Welcome to ear PRoject

Thank you for your interest in being a part of the Ear Project, an Elite team of Audiologists serving the world of tech for custom audio products.


We facilitate connections between audiologists and customers seeking ear impressions for our custom audio product partners.

Next steps

Share more about you

Fill out our specialist form, if you haven’t already done so. It also has a service contract for working with the Ear Project.

review our impressions guide

Review our updated Aesthetic Fit Ear Impression Guide and video.

receive the Bespoke welcome kit

Receive our complementary Welcome Kit once you confirm with your first customer.

APpointment guidelines

  • We'll contact you via email, call or text when we have a customer in your area to confirm your availability to match to our customer.

  • Upon confirmation with the customer, we'll send you a confirmation email with all of the necessary details of the appointment. Additionally, a Google Calendar invite is sent to both you and the customer.

  • Send the customer a text message confirming your appointment the morning of. 

    Consider texting a link of your trip in-progress (in Waze or Google Maps) as you drive over. Customers have appreciated this extra detail from our audiologists. 

    Make sure to allow time for parking.

  • The best environment is a well lit room with space to move about and a mirror. A mirror will be necessary to assess the aesthetic fit by you and the customer. 

    Many customers have never had an ear impression before. Explain the procedure and reassure the customer that the procedure is simple but could be a little uncomfortable for some people as the sensitive portion of the ear canal will be reached. Customers are supposed to bring their own Black Tubes to the appointment, but you need to be prepared in case they forget.

  • If shallow earwax is present, clear it with a cerumen management tool/lighted curette.

    Please make your best professional judgment regarding how to safely handle the earwax.

    Please note, our goal is to have one appointment for a successful ear impression without need for follow-up or rescheduling. 

  • Send the Black Tube back to us using the mailer bag and pre-labeled shipment slip provided in the customer’s Black Tube.

    If the mailer is missing. Please email scheduling@earproject.org for a shipping label.

  • Customers don't pay for the appointment. We will pay you directly via Zelle, PayPal or ACH.

    In the Appointment Confirmation email sent by our scheduler (scheduling@earproject.org) a link to a Google Form is provided called - Impression Tube Submission Link.

    Please complete this link for each customer seen. It asks for the Customer’'s Name, Your Name, Tube # (Each tube is numbered), Ship Date, for your payment information and the video upload.  We usually wait to receive the impressions first then will process payment on Fridays.

    You can also send inquiries or an invoice to finance@earproject.org.


What material do I receive from the Ear Project?

This guide explains what you receive.

Do I need to have my own otoscope?

We expect our specialists to have their own personal otoscope. If you don't have one, we can lend you one.

What if the client gets hurt or there is a pre-existing medical issue?

Please email our Ear Project Audiologists immediately:

anga@earproject.org & mona@earproject.org

When will I receive payment ?

We require that the Online Tube Submission form is completed post-appointment. Please see your Appointment Confirmation email for the link. Payments are made weekly on Fridays.

Do I get a 1099 from Ear Project and do I need to pay taxes on the payments?

For invoice payments over $600, The Ear Project will issue 1099 forms in the Jan-Mar timeframe of the following year.

For Zelle & PayPal payments, the IRS mandates that recipients must file taxes if they have received more than $600. However, The Ear Project cannot provide individual tax advice; you should consult with your tax advisor for guidance.

Do I need to have a professional liability insurance to be a part of the Ear Project?

As a practicing licensed audiologist, professional liability insurance is required.

When you are under an umbrella plan with a major medical center you may not have professional liability coverage outside of your employment. 

When you are employed at a private practice, educational setting, mobile audiology or other similar clinics the employer usually sponsors this professional liability insurance, however, the coverage is usually NOT tied to your employer.

Professional liability insurance covers Audiologists professionally regardless of employer. Ie. Covers work at your private practice in addition to contracted audiology jobs. While we have verified this information with these two insurance providers, it remains your professional obligation to confirm your eligibility to provide audiology contractor service for ear impressions.

If you need to purchase professional liability insurance, the usual amount is for $1 million in coverage per claim. This plan usually comes out to about $100 per year. 

Here are a few to consider but any insurer is fine to sign up with. 




Do you accept Hearing Aid Specialist at Ear project?

Yes! Please apply here.

Can I use my own impression material and dispensing gun?

We prefer our two part high viscosity Dreve impression material; however, you can to use your preferred syringe.

If you have an accommodation request related to using cartridge impression material and a dispensing gun please contact our Ear Project Audiologists.

anga@earproject.org & mona@earproject.org

How many clients am I going to get on average?

It depends on demand in your area, we are in the process of growing our operations in the US and internationally, and are expecting to scale up in 2025.

How far my clients are going to be and will I get reimbursed for the distance to travel to the location?

All Ear Project specialists are divided into regions/closest major city. We will email the entire region when a customer is available. It will be up to the discretion of each specialist to determine if they are willing to schedule. The ear impression flat fee is $200 per customer. Additional payment for travel/mileage is not available at this time. Please consult with your accountant regarding work mileage when filing your taxes.

do you pay extra for wax removal?

At this time the $200 ear impression flat fee is all-inclusive and was determined as fair compensation for completion of ear impressions. Nationally and Internationally fees for similar services have a wide range and we leaned towards a more generous flat payment system.